Local Artist Turns Sadness into Art….Groundbreaking
Darrious Varner is sitting on a bus, headed to work most likely. He had been working on a piece about Depression at the behest of local...
The Art of Politics
I’ve learned more in the last 6 years, researching topics I wanted to write about, than I have in the 43 years that came before. I’ve...
Politely Angry
Over the course of the last few years a lot of things have changed that didn’t think would happen in my life. Last year I got married....
FloSTL’s “Secrets of the Bower House”
Several parts of my body are oozing from mosquito bites. I can’t stop scratching them. I have no impulse control. I also have no bug...
Circus is Vulnerability
Someone once told me that safety is an emotion. Sure it’s not one of the five primary emotions; but the more I think about it, the more I...
The Soul behind Nora’s Numbers
I wrote “Nora’s Numbers” along with my number one comedy partner and bff, Analicia Kocher (who will be playing Nora at this year’s St....
Screaming at my pitch…
These are some insights into the process of creating of a world premiere plays by First Run Theatre. Specifically, we are looking at our...
"I K(no)W": intimate-chat-with-a-friend meets TED Talk meets emotional burlesque
Had you asked me a couple years ago what my first one-woman show would look like, I would have hands down said, “a song and dance show,...
What in the Name of...?
Photo credit: Paula Ramirez I should’ve been named Imani or Amara or Anaya or Ebele or... Maybe my birth certificate should’ve said Ife...
The Sky's the Limit: On the Fringe of Genre
A typical “what do you do with your life?” conversation I’ve had a lot lately: “Oh, you’re a dancer. Cool. What style do you do?...